Friday, July 25, 2008

lazy day....

Well, it's around 12:30 here... Supposedly the water is out at the Telecentre...I wouldn't know b/c I took my shower last night. I slept in today..til about 10...then had breakfast. Then Erica and I went to exchange some money and we stopped at some little shops/stalls on the side of the road to buy fanta, crackers (or biscuits as they are called here), and Erica bought some bread. Oh and we also bought some phone cards. We haven't really decided if we're going to do anything during the day today. Everyone is just kinda chillin out and reading in their rooms. All of the other volunteers (Max, Jessica, Kaitlyn, Valarie, Gina, Ryan, and Jerson) come back today from their overnight outreach. It's going to be so weird to have all of them back!

Well... guess I'm going to go read...or maybe study for the OAT...haha. peace.

1 comment:

Lisa said...

Never had so much Fanta in your life, huh?!!!